Thursday, January 1


im really not in the mood to blog now so bear wit me if u find this kinda boring or something or whatever.....
let me just tell you about my cousin's wedding last December 28. well i can post any pictures now.. its in the process.
its a nightmare. uhm no its not that nightmare coz i enjoyed part of it.
good thing my frend Mary Jane is there to help me. oh she's an angel=)
and the dress, my dress. its soo revealing.. im not holding a cam that time. so i hadn't take a picture of my back. hehehe so after that disaster dress i feel kinda sleepy that day coz i stay late last reading NEW MOON the second book of twilight of Stephenie Meyer. Anyways and the when night comes we have to dance but of course i dont dance so i let the other girls do the dancing..