Thursday, December 29


its new year!! only 2 days left and its already 2012....time is short and 1 year is nearing to end but nothing special me..or my expectations are so high that's why i ended up feeling discourage about the coming year. i dont want super special thing to happen, just a little special for me to really believe that every person has someone that will hold her hands, it may not be forever but for the rest of his doesnt always end the way i want it to be..or maybe i just want too many dramas, im very idealistic. imagine too much.

Sunday, December 18


X: what’s your position?
Y: I don’t know…i think im an bleep  girl
X: I thought you have something you dreamt of …
Y: I also thought that.. but as they say “great powers comes great responsibility”. I guess im not ready for those kind of job…
X: so what now…
Y: I’ll just go with the flow and see where it gets me…