Thursday, June 25


as i am lurking in my fave site of ulzzangs.. i read this one and i told my self im gonna post this on my blog. you must agree with me. its really PAMATAY LINES..wehehe. cant stop smiling when i read this. go on and indulge yourself of the kilig moments of Jandi and Junpyo..

1. JUN PYO: I told myself that when I found a girl whom I like, I must bring her here..."
"Did you see?" "My heart?"

2. JUN PYO: "Instead of letting some other guy save you, I realized I'd rather die..."
"So I learned for you..."

3. Jun Pyo: I'm so busy, that I didn't even know that you didn't call
for 3 days and 13 hours.

4. Jun Pyo: I'd rather have my ribcage broken, than have those guys touch even your finger

5. Jun Pyo " Just let me stay like this for five minutes. Then I’ll get up "

6. Jandi " i like you, No matter how hard i try not to like you, No matter how hard i try to erase you.. I like you so much that i get upset that i can't do that

7. Jun Pyo: JAN DI, I can't let her go. at some point i thought it would be better to her let go to you, rather than keep her with me who always make things hard for her. i hate thinking about it, but i had to let her go, if i had to, i would give her to you, just only yo Ji hoo

8. Jun Pyo: You said that you like me. Is this what your love is worth? How can you end it so easily after you said that you like me?

Jan Di: Maybe this is exactly how much it was matter how much I like you, maybe this was all I could put up with

Jun Pyo: Tell me! Aside from being Shinhwa's heir and a plutocrat, have you ever thought of me as a guy?

Jan Di: No. No matter how much you struggle against it, you're still Shinhwa Group's Gu Jun Pyo. I never forgot that, not even for a minute
Jun Pyo: Jan Di! Geum Jan Di! Stop the bus! Jan Diiiiiii!!!!!!!

Jan Di's voice over: Since I started liking you, I've always wished that you were just a normal guy who had nothing to do with Shinhwa or being a plutocrat.....I'm sorry for not being able to keep our promise Gu Jun Pyo. I'm sorry

9. Jun Pyo: why haven't you said that you like me? I already said it a few times.

Jan Di: Must you hear it in words?

Jun Pyo: I want to hear it...... What I mean to you.

Jan Di: I like matter how hard I try not to like matter how hard I try to erase you....I like you so much that I get upset with myself for not being able to do that.

Jan Di then grabs a hold of Jun Pyo and....... then the KISS

marami pang kulang kaso i dont have the time to write it down...
credits: Kashmira

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