I couldn’t help myself but to blurt it out what I am feeling about this new found drama Sungkyunkwan Scandal.. I got hook with this drama, well this is not the first time for me to be so obsessed to a Kdrama, after I finished the series I dig all the MV’s, NG’s and read recaps, any news about the drama, after 2 or 3 days I’d stop because the drama is over and move on to another series. But Sungkyunkwan Scandal is different…SKKS is over but I’m still thinking about it, always playing the OST over and over again, It stuck in my head, whenever I close my eyes I can still recall the scenes of Lee Sun Jun, Kim Yoon Shik/Yoon Hee, Moon Jae Shin, Gu Yong Ha..they’re in my head, they’re all over me, in my system everyday, when I wake up in the morning I always think about them…I feel like crying when i finished watching episode 19-20, i realized its over, its all over. I'm never gonna see the sweet smile of Yoon Hee, righteous Sun Jun, rebellious Jae Shin and playful Yung Ha. and i wont also forget the supporting casts, president Ha in Soo's love for Cho Sun, the scholars, the professor's of SKKS University, the king and his cabinet, the maidservants, everybody.