BOF fever is not yet over for me. but i saw this guy from one liter of tears. and i really foall for him the first time i saw him so im postng his picture here in my blog...
his name is ryo... im sooo in loove with him.. uhhmmm i think his in 3rd place of my fave...
tadaaaa,,, here he is.. my RYO
Isnt he yummy here.. hehehehe
what i like most about him is his eyes... they say that our eyes is the window to our soul..i notice how his eyes speak for himself..whoa. that's deep. hehee. anyways. i fall for him because of his deep set of eyes. and how his character in One LIter of Tears. i like guys who continue to fall for someone who is dying.i think of them as mature, romantic and brave man.